March 29th, 2024 Concert

Leslie Shank, violin/viola, will perform with guitarist/ husband, Joseph Hagedorn on the Frances Cohler Coffee Concert Series at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls, on March 29th at 12:00. They will play works by Corelli, Piazzolla, and others. The concert is free to the public.

Isles Ensemble October Concert featured on January 29,2024, PBS Newshour. 

The concert, a personal and musical  journey of Jewish identity, culture and history, featured recently discovered Music of Auschwitz.

Isles Ensemble cellist, Laura Sewell, released a CD on the Innova label last year that has been garnering some favorable attention! Another Isles member, Ivan Konev, is one of three collaborative pianists on the album. The recording, “Threescore,” showcases works for cello and piano written by prominent American composers, Paul Schoenfield, Stephen Paulus, and David Evan Thomas.

Here is a link to a review that appeared in the Nov/Dec 2023 issue of Fanfare Magazine, along with an interview with Laura that will appear in the Jan/Feb 2024 issue.